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Art House Theater Day

Join the Athena Cinema for the very first National Art House Theater Day on Saturday, September 24th!

Art House Theater Day celebrates the art house theater and the cultural role it plays in a community. It is a day to recognize the year-round contributions of film and filmmakers, patrons, projectionists, and staff, and the brick and mortar theaters that are passionately dedicated to providing access to the best cinematic experience.

1:00: TIME BANDITS, Janus Films presents a new 2K digital restoration, supervised by director Terry Gilliam, with uncompressed stereo soundtrack.

In this fantastic voyage through time and space from Terry Gilliam, a boy named Kevin (Craig Warnock) escapes his gadget-obsessed parents to join a band of time-traveling dwarfs. Armed with a map stolen from the Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson), they plunder treasure from Napoleon (Ian Holm) and Agamemnon (Sean Connery)—but the Evil Genius (David Warner) is watching their every move. Featuring a darkly playful script by Gilliam and his Monty Python cohort Michael Palin (who also appears in the film), Time Bandits is at once a giddy fairy tale, a revisionist history lesson, and a satire of technology gone awry.

We will be raffling 5 limited edition 14” x 18” reproduction of the Time Portal Map used in the film, designed by Terry Gilliam, exclusively provided to AHTD theaters.

There will also be free Shagbark Seed & Mill popcorn for attendees and an all day raffle of an Athena “Date Night” prize package including 2 t-shirts, 2 free admissions and more!

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