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Watch Trailer Director: Suzan Beraza
Writer(s): Michelle Curry Wright
Language: English

Americans use 60,000 plastic bags every five minutes—single-use disposable bags that we mindlessly throw away. But where is “away?” Where do the bags and other plastics end up, and at what cost to our environment, marine life and human health? BAG IT follows “everyman” Jeb Berrier as he navigates our plastic world. Jeb is not a radical environmentalist, but an average American who decides to take a closer look at our cultural love affair with plastics. When Jeb’s journey takes a personal twist, we see how our crazy-for-plastic world has finally caught up with us and what we can do about it.
Topics: Plastic, policy, environment, health, marine life, fossil fuels, alternatives to plastic, economics. Talkback with panelists Jennifer Cochran, Athens City Council; Heather Fuston, Rural Action; Scott Miller, Zero Waste Initiative, Voinovich School for Leadership and Public Affairs.
“Humble documentary makes a non-biodegradable impression.” – Marty Mapes, Movie Habit
“Recommended Earth Day viewing. At a brisk, informative 79 minutes, (the film) easily holds one’s attention.” – Fr. Chris Carpenter, Movie Dearest

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Running Time: 74 minutes74 MIN
Not Rated
This Film is Wheelchair Accessible