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Ceramics at the Cinema: Glazing Beer Steins

Join us for the “holy grail” of all Ceramics at the Cinema events!

Saturday, September 14th at 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

During this year’s OU Family Weekend, we’re screening the classic medieval comedy Monty Python and The Holy Grail, so we thought it’d be fun to celebrate by having a couple of special Ceramics at the Cinema events where folks could have the chance to make a grail (or, rather a stein…more or less the same thing, really) of their very own!

Participants will get a chance to decorate a bisqueware ceramic beer stein with ceramics glazes of their choice. Once glazed and final-fired, the finished steins will be available for pick up the following Wednesday after the Ceramics at the Cinema event.

Registration Admission:

Ceramics at the Cinema $30: includes instruction fees, ceramic beer stein, and all other materials for decorating and firing your project

The Ceramics at the Cinema series is a monthly ceramics series that allows participants the opportunity to glaze a bisqueware ceramic project at The Athena Cinema on a weekend afternoon.

Be advised that open slots to attend the glazing tutorials will be limited to 30 people. These events often sell out fast, so don’t wait to claim your spot.

Feel like having some laughs afterward..? Come see Monty Python and The Holy Grail at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday after the Ceramics event. Get tickets and more info here:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


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