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David Pepper: Saving Democracy

Join us for “Saving Democracy,” a presentation by David Pepper.

David is a writer, democracy activist, former elected official, and former chair of the Ohio Democratic Party. He also currently serves as a senior fellow at the Kettering Foundation, and teaches election law and voting rights at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. David is a frequent contributor on MSNBC, CNN, and C-Span, in addition to being a featured guest on podcasts and radio shows.

Based on his books, including Saving Democracy, David will illustrate the problems facing our country, describe how we can engage our legislators to respond to the will of the voters, and offer inspiration on how to best bring reason back to the political process. Democracy, after all, can only be saved if we all take part.

Following the presentation, please join us for an after party where you can meet local and state Democratic Party candidates and elected officials.

Beer, wine and snacks will be made available to attendees for purchase.

The timeline for the event will be as follows:

“Saving Democracy” Speech:  7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

After Party:  8 p.m. – 9 p.m.


Sponsored by the Athens County Democratic Party.


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