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HIGH-RISE: Last Day Thursday, June 2nd

Watch Trailer Director: Ben Wheatley
Writer(s): J.G. Ballard, Amy Jump
Cast: Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller

Dr. Robert Laing (Hiddleston) is the newest resident of a luxurious apartment in a high-tech concrete skyscraper whose lofty location places him amongst the upper class. Laing quickly settles into high society life, but as power outages become more frequent and building flaws emerge, particularly on the lower floors, the regimented social strata begins to crumble and the building becomes a battlefield in a literal class war.

“Wheatley and screenwriter Amy Jump (his wife) have energized J.G. Ballard’s parable of class warfare with a daring approach that will touch a nerve or have you bolting for the exits.” -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

“This High-Rise is a scathing, intoxicating visual and auditory experience, the most truthful and most powerful Ballard adaptation we’ve ever seen, or are likely to.” -Andrew O’Hehir, Salon

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Running Time: 119 minutes119 MIN
R Rated