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The Athena loves volunteers! Most of the year we are staffed with by Federal Work Study Student Positions and interns from different departments on the Ohio University Campus but we need extra help! Some of the areas we need extra help with are:

-Ticket takers and ushers to help during busy events

-People to help us distribute flyers and get the word out about the films we are showing. This is an invaluable task that we always need help getting done. Specialized marketing, whether it’s handing out flyers at the Athens Farmer’s Market, social media or talking to your book club, is always an important part of our promotion.

-Internships: If you are an Ohio University student interested in an internship at the Athena, please contact Managing Director, Alexandra Kamody at for information.

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer at the Athena. We may be reached by our office phone at 740-594-7382.