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Cast: Laura Dern, Justin Theroux, Jeremy Irons, Harry Dean Stanton, Diane Ladd, Grace Zabriskie, William H Macy
Join us Tuesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. for this last-minute addition to our Let’s Do Lynch: A David Lynch Retrospective!
Admission $8
About the film
Laura Dern reunites with Lynch to star as Nikki Grace, an actress who has been cast as “Sue Blue” in a modern adaptation of an old German film that was never finished. Her character and that of her co-star (played by Justin Theroux) will be tasked with having an affair in the film, and the two are warned that they should keep their relationship on solid professional footing. As the production continues, however, reality and surrealism start to blend as Nikki starts to transform into the character she has been hired to play…taking her to the edge of madness.
Certainly one of Lynch’s most-bizarre and un-linear films, Inland Empire blends back-stage Hollywood intrigue, Polish folktales, a sitcom with bunny-people, and nightmarish hallucinations into a film that encompasses all the great things about Lynch as a filmmaker. The movie was shot by Lynch himself using a standard-definition digital video camera, giving the film a visual immediacy that makes it stand out from his other work and adding a visceral quality to the largely-improvised performances of the cast.