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MAGGIE’S PLAN: Last Day Thursday, July 28th

Watch Trailer Director: Rebecca Miller
Writer(s): Rebecca Miller, Karen Rinaldi
Cast: Greta Gerwig, Ethan Hawke, Julianne Moore

A young woman longing to start a family (Greta Gerwig) becomes involved in a complicated love triangle with a professor (Ethan Hawke) and his theorist wife (Julianne Moore).

“Something between Shakespeare, Woody Allen and Noah Baumbach, a cautionary tale filled with Manhattanite wit and small moments that have the ring of truth.” -Rafer Guzman, Newsday

“I love movies like this. Movies where we eavesdrop on smart, self-involved, deeply flawed and consistently interesting people.” -Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times

*CaptiView® Closed Caption & Audio Description support is available for this film. All showings on Mondays will feature Open Captions.*

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Running Time: 98 minutes98 MIN
R Rated