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MEET THE PATELS: Last Day Thursday, October 22nd

Watch Trailer Director: Geeta Patel, Ravi Patel
Writer(s): Matthew Hamachek, Billy McMillin, Geeta Patel, Ravi Patel
Cast: Champa V. Patel, Geeta Patel, Ravi Patel

A laugh-out-loud real life romantic comedy about Ravi Patel, an almost-30-year-old Indian-American who enters a love triangle between the woman of his dreams…and his parents. This hilarious and heartwarming film reveals how love is a family affair.

“Often riotously funny.” -Andrew Barker, Variety

“It’s a delight of a film, but it also examines problems of assimilation, culture clash, modern romance and the value (or prison) of tradition. Which is quite a bit of stuff for a movie that’s just plain fun to watch.” -Tom Long, Detroit News

“It’s impossible not to care about the people on screen.” -Jen Chaney, Washington Post

“It turned one man’s culturally specific journey into a lively and engaging universal story made with an unmistakable sense of fun.” -Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times

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Running Time: 88 minutes88 MIN
PG Rated