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Watch Trailer Director: Allen Baldwin, Regina Bartholomew, The Sisters Grumbling, Kyle Rankin, and R.J. Wilson

Damnationland is an annual showcase of terrifying new Maine-made short films, highlighting the dark arts of independent filmmaking from New England’s haunted figurehead state. In this third year of the series, producers Eddy Bolz and David Meiklejohn proudly present five films from Maine filmmakers Allen Baldwin, Regina Bartholomew, the Sisters Grumbling, Kyle Rankin, and R.J. Wilson. Screening in theaters both in Maine and around the country, Damnationland 2012 will chill audiences with its disturbed visions of life in the northeast.

One night only, Thursday, October 25th at 7:00pm!

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Running Time: 80 minutes80 MIN
Not Rated

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Bill W.

Watch Trailer Director: Dan Carracino and Kevin Hanlon
Writer(s): Dan Carracino, Patrick Gambuti Jr., and Kevin Hanlon
Cast: Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob, and Blake J. Evans

Bill W. tells the story of William G. Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, a man included in TIME Magazine’s “100 Persons of the 20th Century.” Interviews, recreations, and rare archival material reveal how Bill Wilson, a hopeless drunk near death from his alcoholism, found a way out of his own addiction and then forged a path for countless others to follow. With Bill as its driving force, A.A. grew from a handful of men to a worldwide fellowship of over 2 million men and women – a success that made him an icon within A.A., but also an alcoholic unable to be a member of the very society he had created. A reluctant hero, Bill Wilson lived a life of sacrifice and service, and left a legacy that continues every day, all around the world.

$1.00 of each ticket purchased will be donated to Athens recovery center, Clem House.

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Running Time: 104 minutes104 MIN
Rating: Unrated

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The Master

Watch Trailer Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Writer(s): Paul Thomas Anderson
Cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, and Amy Adams
Awards: Won "Best Director" and "Best Actor" (for both Hoffman and Phoenix) at the Venice Film Festival

THE MASTER stars Joaquin Phoenix as a psychologically damaged war veteran who finds himself working for Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman), a charismatic figure building his own religion. As the alcoholic, self-destructive former soldier becomes more deeply involved with the leader of this cult-like organization, his natural instincts keep him from embracing his new position as strongly as others in the group would hope.

P.T. Anderson’s latest film is sure to join the long line of critical successes that the director has amassed throughout his career.  Films such as BOOGIE NIGHTS, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, PUNCH DRUNK LOVE, and MAGNOLIA have cemented Anderson as one of America’s best living directors.  Amy Adams and Jesse Plemons also star.

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Running Time: 137 minutes137 MIN
R Rated

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Science on Screen®: IDIOCRACY

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How Evolution by Natural Selection Could Produce a Human Race of Idiots

An exploration of how evolution by natural selection could produce a human race of idiots, featuring some of Dr. Molly Morris’s current research on how mate preferences are important in evolution, as well as her hypotheses on why the human brain has been getting smaller over the past 20,000 years.

About the film

Private Joe Bowers (Wilson), the definition of “average American”, is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program, set 545 years in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he’s easily the most intelligent person alive.

About the speaker

A short bio from Dr. Molly R. Morris of Ohio University’s Department of Biological Sciences:

My research interests are in sexual selection, variation in female mate preferences, and the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies. In my laboratory, we are interested in the evolutionary processes that both constrain and drive biological diversity. We examine the evolution of diversity both within and across species of Xiphophorus fishes. These small livebearing fish, native to freshwater streams in Mexico, present a diversity of behaviors and morphologies that are ideal for examining the evolution of behavioral plasticity, female mate preferences, nutritional programming, maternal effects, and the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies. We observe behavior in the field as well as in the laboratory, incorporating molecular techniques to conduct paternity analyses and examine gene expression profiles.



Science on Screen® is an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Science on Screen program pairs films with a short talk with a scientist or technology expert. The free Science on Screen events are fun and engaging, offering dynamic speakers an unexpected jumping point to teach their field of expertise in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience.


Free admission to this event is provided by Arts for OHIO.


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Running Time: 84 Minutes84 MIN
R Rated
This Film is Wheelchair Accessible

There's a good chance that Judge's smartly lowbrow Idiocracy will be mistaken for what it's satirizing, but good satire always runs the risk -- of being misunderestimated.

Nathan Rabin
The AV Club
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Watch Trailer Director: Ron Fricke
Writer(s): Ron Fricke, Mark Magidson
Awards: Won "Best Documentary" at the Dublin International Film Festival

Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means “the ever turning wheel of life” and is the point of departure for the filmmakers as they search for the elusive current of interconnection that runs through our lives.  Filmed over a period of almost five years and in twenty-five countries, Samsara transports us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites, and natural wonders.  By dispensing with dialogue and descriptive text, Samsara subverts our expectations of a traditional documentary, instead encouraging our own inner interpretations inspired by images and music that infuses the ancient with the modern.

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Running Time: 102102 MIN

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Liberal Arts

Watch Trailer Director: Josh Radnor
Writer(s): Josh Radnor
Cast: Josh Radnor, Elizabeth Olsen, and Zac Efron
Awards: Official Selection, Sundance Film Festival 2012

Opening October 12 at the Athena Cinema.

Newly single, 35, and uninspired by his job, Jesse Fisher (writer/director Josh Radnor) worries that his best days are behind him. But no matter how much he buries his head in a book, life keeps pulling Jesse back. When his favorite college professor invites him to campus to speak at his retirement dinner, Jesse jumps at the chance. He is prepared for the nostalgia of the dining halls and dorm rooms, the parties and poetry seminars; what he doesn’t see coming is Zibby (Elizabeth Olsen)—a beautiful, precocious, classical-music-loving sophomore. Zibby awakens scary, exciting, long-dormant feelings of possibility and connection that Jesse thought he had buried forever.

There will be no 7:20 screening of Liberal Arts on Wednesday, October 17th.

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Running Time: 97 minutes97 MIN

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Your Sister’s Sister

Watch Trailer Director: Lynn Shelton
Writer(s): Lynn Shelton
Cast: Mark Duplass, Emily Blunt and Rosemarie DeWitt

Leaving Thursday, October 11th

YOUR SISTER’S SISTER is a new comedy about romance, grief and sibling rivalry. A year after his brother Tom’s death, Jack is still struggling emotionally. When he makes a scene at a memorial party, Tom’s best friend Iris offers up her family cabin on an island in the Pacific Northwest so Jack can seek catharsis in solitude. Once there, however, he runs into Iris’ sister Hannah who is reeling from the abrupt end of a seven-year relationship and finds solace in Tom’s unexpected presence. A blurry evening of drinking concludes with an awkward sexual incident, made worse by Iris’ sudden presence at the cabin the next morning. A twisted tale of ever-complicated relationships is set in motion with raw, hilarious and emotional performances from the all-star cast.

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Running Time: 90 Minutes90 MIN
R Rated

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Killer Joe

Watch Trailer Director: William Friedkin
Writer(s): Tracy Letts
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch and Juno Temple

When 22-year-old Chris finds himself in debt to a drug lord, he hires a hit man to dispatch his mother, whose $50,000 life insurance policy benefits his sister Dottie. Chris finds Joe Cooper, a creepy, crazy Dallas cop who moonlights as a contract killer. When Chris can’t pay Joe upfront, Joe sets his sight on Dottie as collateral for the job. The contract killer and his hostage develop an unusual bond. Like from a modern-day, twisted fairy tale, “Killer Joe” Cooper becomes the prince to Dottie’s Cinderella.

Director William Friedkin, no stranger to controversy and censorship during his career (THE EXORCIST spurred protests across the country), has made a triumphant return with KILLER JOE.

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Running Time: 102 minutes102 MIN
NC-17 Rated

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Watch Trailer Director: Richard Linklater
Writer(s): Richard Linklater
Cast: Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, Matthew McConaughey

In the tiny, rural town of Carthage, TX, assistant funeral director Bernie Tiede was one of the town’s most beloved residents. He taught Sunday school, sang in the church choir and was always willing to lend a helping hand. Everyone loved and appreciated Bernie, so it came as no surprise when he befriended Marjorie Nugent, an affluent widow who was as well known for her sour attitude as her fortune. Bernie frequently traveled with Marjorie and even managed her banking affairs. Marjorie quickly became fully dependant on Bernie and his generosity and Bernie struggled to meet her increasing demands. Bernie continued to handle her affairs, and the townspeople went months without seeing Marjorie. The people of Carthage were shocked when it was reported that Marjorie Nugent had been dead for some time, and Bernie Tiede was being charged with the murder. From the director who brought you DAZED AND CONFUSED and WAKING LIFE, starring Jack Black, Matthew McConaughey and Shirley MacLaine.


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Running Time: 104 min104 MIN
PG-13 Rated

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All Fall Down: Ashes to Ashes

Taking place Saturday, September 30th at 7:00pm, the Athena will be showing a film by local filmmaker, Dane McCarthy. The horror flick “All Fall Down” features an all-star cast of local actors! Don’t miss this thriller, complete with government conspiracies, femme fatales and a psychopathic killer with a nervous twitch!

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