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Celebrating the career of one of the funniest comedians of all time, Richard Pryor.





Click on titles for details!

wattstax 1WATTSTAX | Oct. 25 & 26

The climactic concert of the seventh annual Watts Summer Festival, commemorating the 1965 riots, and featuring performances by Isaac Hayes, Luther Ingram, Richard Pryor, and many more.

BLUE COLLAR| Nov. 1 & 2blue collar 1

Three guys work on the production line in a Detroit automobile factory, and they are fed-up with the conditions. It dawns on them that their workers’ union is doing them no greater good than their screwed-up bosses. So the trio pulls off a clumsy robbery at union HQ, in which they only gain access to some suspicious documents that point to union links with organized crime.

stir crazy 1STIR CRAZY | Nov. 6 – 9

Two good-hearted but bumbling souls are mistakenly arrested for a robbery they didn’t commit in this comedy, the second of several teamings of Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. Seeking to clear their name, the two eventually plan to escape from prison and try to track down the real thieves.

LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP | Nov. 15 & 16sunset 2

Just recovered from his notorious free-basing accident, Richard Pryor made a notable return in the much-acclaimed Live on the Sunset Strip. His comments on that event, as well as his notorious comments on sex, politics and race, pepper the 82-minute concert film.


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