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Open Projector Night

We had such a good time at the 1st Open Projector Night, that we’ve decided to put one on each month of Spring Semester! They will be held on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Here are the dates:

April 24th at 7:00

Just bring in your film on the day of the event, between 6:00 and 6:30pm to see it projected on the big screen! Hosted by various members of the hilarious OU Improv Troupe. An audience APPLAUSE-O-METER will decide the winner. Prizes TBA. Admission to the event is FREE thanks to Arts for Ohio.

Thank you to all who participated in making the 1st Ever Open Projector Night a success! Special thanks to Joe LaLonde and Patrick White, our hilarious emcees from the OU Improv Troupe! And congratulations to Brandon Ivey who won the Audience Applause Award for “Trash Thieves”.

Here are the rules:

We’ll play anything you’ve made that’s under 8 minutes long and is brought to us on a DVDor BLU-ray (one film per person, and DVDs must be playable on a regular DVD player). Submissions are only taken on the day of the event, and all entries MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO THE START OF THE ACTUAL SHOW (we cannot accept films after the show has begun, or during intermission). All films are played in the order they’re received.  Remember, the audience decides the winner, so keep them happy!

PLEASE NOTE: We only take the first 10 films that are brought in and the spots usually fill up very fast.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Since we don’t pre-screen Open Projector entries, we don’t know what each month’s “film content” rating will be. Be advised that some material may not be suitable for all audiences.



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open projector