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Come celebrate the excellent work of budding filmmakers from the OHIO School of Film’s 2nd-year MFA Program!

Saturday, November 2nd at 7:00 p.m.

The event is FREE and open to the public – Tickets are required for entry

The screening will consist of a series of short films created exclusively by film students who are completing their second year in the School of Film MFA program. We’ve done these screenings numerous times, and the quality of work is always top-notch…you don’t want to miss this special event!

The Films and Filmmakers

The Lost Party by Aram Riazi. Runtime: 21 min

Synopsis: After the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of morality police in Iran, three Iranian women living abroad confront feelings of homesickness, loneliness, and alienation. Their stories reflect the emotional toll of displacement, as they yearn for a homeland they can no longer fully return to.



Christ Complex by Constanze Brodbeck. Runtime: 5 min 10 secs

Synopsis: Connie explores her relationship to the divine during Easter season.




Janet by James Joseph Valiyakulathil. Runtime: 14 min

Synopsis: Janet, a 17-year-old from a rural town, realizes her water has broken during a late-night shift at her retail job. Panicked, she drives toward a distant hospital, but the journey is too long. Alone and terrified, she delivers her baby in the car, deep in the middle of the forest, transforming her life forever.




Henna Stain by Nimco Yuusuf. Runtime: 14 min 33 sec

Synopsis: Magool, a first-generation Somali-American, exists in two worlds – the Somali and the American worlds. As an interpreter, she experiences firsthand the clash between the two worlds, which makes her question her place in the two spaces and the place of women in Somali culture.



Flower Thief by Peter Owusu. Runtime: 15 min 11 sec

Synopsis: Flower Thief tells the captivating story of Kofi, a teenage boy who sells flowers on the bustling streets of Athens after stealing from graves. His life takes an otherworldly turn when he becomes trapped in the underworld. To escape his ghostly existence, Kofi must navigate the transformative power of selfless acts, ultimately finding hope in the most unlikeliest of  places.


First Date by Mira Steuer. Runtime: 3 min 56 sec

Synopsis: A young man drives his grandmother to her first date since the death of her husband.







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