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Defend Our Future Presents RANCHER, FARMER, FISHERMAN

Watch Trailer Director: Susan Froemke, John Hoffman, Beth Aala
Cast: Tom Brokaw, Dusty Crary, Justin Knopf

The new documentary Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman tells the inspiring story of heartland conservation heroes who are feeding the world while stewarding the land and water.

The film is a tribute to people like Justin Knopf, a fifth-generation Kansas farmer revolutionizing industrial scale agriculture to rebuild the fertility, biodiversity and resilience of his soil, and Dusty Crary, a fourth-generation Montana rancher who forged alliances between cattlemen, federal agencies, hunters and environmental groups to protect the Rocky Mountain Front.

Based on a book by best-selling author Miriam Horn of Environmental Defense Fund, Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman was directed by Oscar nominee and Emmy winner Susan Froemke and Emmy winner John Hoffman, and narrated by award-winning journalist Tom Brokaw.

This show will be presented free and will consist of a short introduction, screening, and post-show talkback.

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Running Time: 103 min103 MIN
This Film is Wheelchair Accessible

Designed to go down easy among exactly the audiences who might assume all environmentalists are 'radicals,' but would readily identify with the folksy protagonists herein.

Dennis Harvey