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SLEEPING WITH OTHER PEOPLE: Last Day Thursday, October 22nd

Watch Trailer Director: Leslye Headland
Writer(s): Leslye Headland
Cast: Jason Sudeikis, Alison Brie, Jordan Carlos

Jason Sudeikis and Alison Brie star as two romantic failures whose years of serial infidelity and self-sabotage have led them to swear that their relationship will remain strictly platonic. But can love still bloom while you’re sleeping with other people? Writer/director Leslye Headland’s (Bachelorette) sexy romantic comedy co-stars Amanda Peet, Adam Scott, and Natasha Lyonne.

“As we watch changes of conscience emerge and moral comeuppance arrive, this freewheeling alternative to the standard date movie emerges as one of the year’s best surprises.” -Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Sudeikis is terrific. And Brie can break you up or just plain break your heart.” -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

“Rom-coms died because they weren’t very rom and didn’t have enough com. But Sleeping With Other People, which is both hilarious and emotionally alive, is as delightful as a first date that crackles with possibility.” -Kyle Smith, New York Post

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Running Time: 101 minutes101 MIN
R Rated