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THE LADY IN THE VAN: Last Day Thursday, March 17th

Watch Trailer Director: Nicholas Hytner
Writer(s): Alan Bennett
Cast: Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings
Awards: 2016 Golden Globe Nominations: Best Actress

1973- the year Miss Shepard, a transient woman living in her van, takes up residence in playwright Alan Bennet’s driveway in London,where she remains for 15 years. Based on a true story, THE LADY IN THE VAN chronicles a unique friendship in a sleepy London neighborhood.


“A delicately written, boisterously performed movie about the difficult people who dare us to care about them.” – Rebecca Keegan, Los Angeles Times


“It’s an honest and incisive and peppery examination of one of his life’s strangest but most enduring relationships — and the way that timidity and kindness often work out to being the same thing.” -Alan Scherstuhl, Village Voice

*CaptiView® Closed Caption and Audio Description is available for this film. All showings on Mondays will feature Open Captions.*

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Running Time: 104 minutes104 MIN
PG-13 Rated