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Director: Eran Riklis
Writer(s): Suha Arraf and Eran Riklis
Cast: Hiam Abbass, Makram Khoury and Clara Khoury
A family deals with the typical anxieties of a wedding day while also confronting the political turmoil of the Middle East in this drama, a collaboration between Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers. Hammed (Makram J. Khoury) is a leading political figure in Majdal Shams, a Druze community that has been under Israeli occupation since the late ’60s. Years ago, Hammed arranged for his daughter Mona (Clara Khoury) to marry Tallel (Derar Sliman), who has since become a successful actor in Syria. Hammed has gathered the family together to see Mona off, but the occasion is a bittersweet one — given the combative relationship between Israel and Syria, once Mona crosses the border with her husband, it’s unlikely she will ever be able to return. THE SYRIAN BRIDE is a story about physical, mental and emotional borders, and the strength and will to cross them.
“It is written, directed and acted with real compassion and sympathy for the humanity of its characters, no matter who they are or on what side of these multiple issues they turn out to be.” – Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times
“The movie charms while making a bold statement about the borders that governments and individuals construct to keep each other apart.” – John Monaghan, The Detroit Free Press
Film introductions by professors Katarzyna Marciniak and Michael Gillespie.
Sponsored by The College of Arts and Sciences, Making and Breaking the Law Theme, and the Wealth and Poverty Theme.
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