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Watch Trailer Director: Dawn Porter
Writer(s): Sari Gilman, Dawn Porter

TRAPPED is a documentary that explores the evolution of TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws that aim to inhibit and shut down abortion clinics, the contentious legal battles between state legislatures that pass these laws and the clinics that are struggling to stay open, and the deep emotional impact that these laws have on patients and healthcare providers.

“While the situation seems at times dire, Trapped contains a distinct hopeful streak that is at once defiant and singularly human.” – Katie Walsh, Los Angeles Times

Trapped is a succinct and heart-rending revelation of this complex and controversial subject. Most strikingly, it puts human faces on a social and personal issue that has been often engulfed by the invective surrounding it.”- Duane Byrge, The Hollywood Reporter

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Running Time: 81 min81 MIN
Not Rated