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WAKEFIELD: Last Day Thursday, June 22nd

Watch Trailer Director: Robin Swicord
Writer(s): Robin Swicord
Cast: Bryan Cranston, Jennifer Garner, Beverly D'Angelo

Howard (Bryan Cranston) has a loving wife (Jennifer Garner), two daughters, a prestigious job as a Manhattan lawyer, and a comfortable home in the suburbs. But inwardly he’s suffocating, and eventually he snaps and goes into hiding in his garage attic leaving his family to wonder what happened to him. He observes them from his window – an outsider spying in on his own life – as the days of exile stretch into months. Is it possible to go back to the way things were?

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Running Time: 106 min106 MIN
R Rated
Closed Captioning is available for this film. This Film is Wheelchair Accessible

The role of Wakefield is a beast, and Cranston, rising to the challenges set by director Robin Swicord, gives it everything he's got. His award-caliber performance is astounding to watch.

Peter Travers
Rolling Stone