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Director: Mel Stuart
Writer(s): Roald Dahl
Cast: Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, Peter Ostrum
In honor of the 100th birthday of Roald Dahl we are dedicating our annual summer Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Athens County fundraiser to the film adaptations of his books! Brought to you by Ohio University, Kids on Campus, Athens County Children Services, and Rocky Boots.
Mr. Wonka, the mysterious owner of the Wonka chocolate factory, has decided to hide five golden tickets in the wrappers of his famous chocolate bars. The five who find the golden tickets will be given a tour of the top secret factory by Mr. Wonka himself.
Charlie Bucket is a young boy with a heart of gold who loves chocolate more than anything else, but only gets to have one bar a year, which is given to him on his birthday. After finding money in a gutter, he buys two candy bars: one for him and one for his beloved Grandpa Joe. Inside one of the wrappers, they find a coveted golden ticket, and Charlie’s life is forever changed.
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