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Sustainability Series: YOUTH V GOV

Watch Trailer Director: Christi Cooper

About the film

YOUTH v GOV follows 21 young Americans suing the world’s most powerful government to protect their constitutional rights to a stable climate. If they win, they will change the future.

How can we bring accountability over the climate crisis? This inspiring story of youth activism documents 21 activists from across the nation as they file a groundbreaking lawsuit against the United States. The case reveals evidence that the government has endangered their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property by acting over six decades to create the climate crisis. YOUTH v GOV Film, produced by the company behind acclaimed films such as THE IVORY GAME and STEP, and a DOC NYC 2020 Audience Favorite, shows the power of young people to lead.


About the series

Athena Cinema, University Libraries and Environmental Studies Program present the 9th annual Sustainability Film Series.

In keeping with all previous series, each film will be followed by a panel discussion featuring faculty members, students and community members. The events will be in-person.

Following each film we invite audience members to join us for a panel discussion hosted by faculty members, students and community members. Please join us for a conversation following these beautiful, thought-provoking and timely films.

The series is possible thanks to the support of: Voinovich School of Leadership
and Public Affairs, OHIO Honors Program, Honors Tutorial College, Cutler Scholars, Office of
Sustainability, Center for Campus & Community Engagement, University College, Athens
International Film and Video Festival, and beloved nonprofits and businesses.

Free admission and post-show discussion, as part of the Fall Sustainability Series.

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Running Time: 110 minutes110 MIN
This Film is Wheelchair Accessible

Youth v Gov is both a documentary and a kind of superhero movie.

POV Magazine