Submarine Engineering and Technology
Join Dr. David Bayless for a riveting discussion on submarines, as he shares information and stories from his time in the Nuclear Navy. Have you ever been curious about how submarines operate? Dr. Bayless will be available to answer questions and clarify some of the mysteries surrounding these mammoth machines! Hear what he has to say and enjoy a special screening of the classic “Hunt for Red October” starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin.
About the film
In 1984, Soviet nuclear submarine Captain First Rank Marko Ramius (Sean Connery) murders his political adviser, burns his orders, and steers his vessel, the Red October, toward American waters. The CIA, aware that the Red October was about to embark on a mission to demonstrate its ability to evade detection and fire its nuclear missiles on US targets, learns that Russia has sent its own ships to sink the submarine. US officials fear Ramius is planning an unauthorized strike against the United States. Only CIA analyst Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin) suspects that Ramius’s objective is not as sinister as it appears—and it is Ryan who is tasked with infiltrating the Red October to prove his theory. Based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name, this spy thriller was the first in a series of Hollywood-produced post-Cold War adventure films.
About the speaker
A former officer in the U.S. Navy, Dr. David Bayless has worked for American Electric Power and consulted for numerous companies. He has directed more than $15 million in external research from the Ohio Coal Development Office, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, and the National Science Foundation as a principal investigator. He has more than 50 refereed publications in energy and environmental journals. He holds several licensed patents and launched one start-up company. He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the chair of the Engineering Leadership Education Constituent Committee of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Science on Screen® is an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Science on Screen program pairs films with a short talk with a scientist or technology expert. The free Science on Screen events are fun and engaging, offering dynamic speakers an unexpected jumping point to teach their field of expertise in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience.

Free admission to this event is provided by Arts for OHIO.
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